“WAIT! You may be wondering why the red suit. Well, that's so bad guys don't see me bleed.
This guy's got the right idea... He wore the brown pants!” ~Deadpool
I thought Deadpool was hilarious.It earned that R rating. It was full of 4th wall jokes, gore, action, and nudity. It was a perfect representation of Deadpool from the comics. I really enjoyed how they explained his backstory through flashbacks in between the opening action scene. I also enjoyed how they connected it to the X Men cinematic universe by featuring the X Men mansion and featuring 2 X Men, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. I also loved all of the 4th wall jokes referencing other Marvel movies and how they took shots at DC movies and characters too, such as Green Lantern, Batman, and Robin. There were also bad things about the movie too. Sometimes the movie would not stop making jokes to a point where it wasn't funny anymore. Also there were some predictable moments such as at the end when Colossus is giving Deadpool a speech about how he shouldn't kill and how sparing Ajax would make Deadpool a superhero and then Deadpool just kills Ajax anyway, that was just so predictable. Overall my 1st reaction is i loved the movie. It is everything that Deadpool is supposed to be. I give it an overall rating of 8/10. P.S. I can’t wait to see Cable in Deadpool 2.
Blah blah blah….MY TURNNNNN !!
OKAYYYY I barely know anything about superheroes and that is why I think this movie is girlfriend friendly. There were jokes where all the guys in the theater was just laughing their little butts off and the girls just chuckle so we will not have to end up look stupid.I won't even lie this was me when Deadpool made some joke ….. 
mean while christian was like….
The trailer spoke for itself! This movie is no superhero movie. I love how he talks to the audience, I personally love movies where the character interacts with the audience. However at times it was too much. Like his crotch been all over the camera (rolls eyes). And the crazy profane language. But you know what it is RATED R FOR A REASON .
Overall rating 1,000,000,000.1 out of 10 * Rated R must be ages 30 and up*
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Trailer for the movie
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frRFOrbPfNc "Deadpool (2016)"
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